Source code for pbjam.jar


This module contains general purpose functions that are used throughout PBjam.


from . import PACKAGEDIR
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf

[docs]class references(): """ A class for managing references used when running PBjam. This is inherited by session and star. Attributes ---------- bibfile : str The pathname to the pbjam references list. _reflist : list List of references that is updated when new functions are used. bibdict : dict Dictionary of bib items from the PBjam reference list. """ def __init__(self): self.bibfile = os.path.join(*[PACKAGEDIR, 'data', 'pbjam_references.bib']) self._reflist = [] self.bibdict = self._parseBibFile() def _findBlockEnd(self, string, idx): """ Find block of {} Go through string starting at idx, and find the index corresponding to the curly bracket that closes the opening curly bracket. So { will be closed by } even if there are more curly brackets in between. Note ---- This also works in reverse, so opening with } will be closed by {. Parameters ---------- string : str The string to parse. idx : int The index in string to start at. """ a = 0 for i, char in enumerate(string[idx:]): if char == '{': a -= 1 elif char == '}': a += 1 if (i >= len(string[idx:])-1) and (a != 0): print('Warning: Reached end of bibtex file with no closing curly bracket. Your .bib file may be formatted incorrectly. The reference list may be garbled.') if a ==0: break if string[idx+i] == '{': print('Warning: Ended on an opening bracket. Your .bib file may be formatted incorrectly.') return idx+i def _parseBibFile(self): """ Put contents of a bibtex file into a dictionary. Takes the contents of the PBjam bib file and stores it as a dictionary of bib items. Article shorthand names (e.g., @Article{shorthand_name) become the dictionary key, similar to the way LaTeX handles citations. Returns ------- bibdict : dict Dictionary of bib items from the PBjam reference list. """ with open(self.bibfile, 'r') as bib: bib = openers = ['@ARTICLE', '@article', '@Article' '@MISC', '@misc', '@BOOK', '@book', '@SOFTWARE', '@software', '@INPROCEEDINGS', '@inproceedings'] #Update this if other types of entries are added to the bib file. bibitems = [] safety = 0 while any([x in bib for x in openers]): for opener in openers: try: start = bib.index(opener) end = self._findBlockEnd(bib, start+len(opener)) bibitems.append([bib[start:end+1]]) bib = bib[:start] + bib[end+1:] except: pass safety += 1 if safety > 1000: break bibitems = np.unique(bibitems) bibdict = {} for i, item in enumerate(bibitems): key = item[item.index('{')+1:item.index(',')] bibdict[key] = item return bibdict def _addRef(self, ref): """ Add reference from bibdict to active list The reference must be listed in the PBjam bibfile. Parameters ---------- ref : str Bib entry to add to the list """ if isinstance(ref, list): for r in ref: self._reflist.append(self.bibdict[r]) else: self._reflist.append(self.bibdict[ref]) def __call__(self, bibfile=None): """ Print the list of references used. Parameters ---------- bibfile : str Filepath to print the list of bib items. """ out = '\n\n'.join(np.unique(self._reflist)) print('References used in this run.') print(out) if bibfile is not None: with open(bibfile, mode='w') as file_object: #robustify the filepath so it goes to the right place all the time. print(out, file=file_object)
[docs]def isvalid(number): """ Checks if number is finite. Parameters ---------- number : object Returns ------- x : bool Whether number a real float or not. """ if (number is None) or isinstance(number, str) or not np.isfinite(number): return False else: return True
[docs]def get_priorpath(): """ Get default prior path name Returns ------- prior_file : str Default path to the prior in the package directory structure. """ return os.path.join(*[PACKAGEDIR, 'data', 'prior_data.csv'])
[docs]def get_percentiles(X, nsigma = 2, **kwargs): """ Get percentiles of an distribution Compute the percentiles corresponding to sigma=1,2,3.. including the median (50th), of an array. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.array() Array to find percentiles of sigma : int, optional. Sigma values to compute the percentiles of, e.g. 68% 95% are 1 and 2 sigma, etc. Default is 2. kwargs : dict Arguments to be passed to numpy.percentile returns ------- percentiles : numpy.array() Numpy array of percentile values of X. """ a = np.array([0.5*(1+erf(z/np.sqrt(2))) for z in range(nsigma+1)]) percs = np.append((1-a[::-1][:-1]),a)*100 return np.percentile(X, percs, **kwargs)
[docs]def to_log10(x, xerr): """ Transform to value to log10 Takes a value and related uncertainty and converts them to logscale. Approximate. Parameters ---------- x : float Value to transform to logscale xerr : float Value uncertainty Returns ------- logval : list logscaled value and uncertainty """ if xerr > 0: return [np.log10(x), xerr/x/np.log(10.0)] return [x, xerr]
[docs]def normal(x, mu, sigma): """ Evaluate logarithm of normal distribution (not normalized!!) Evaluates the logarithm of a normal distribution at x. Inputs ------ x : float Values to evaluate the normal distribution at. mu : float Distribution mean. sigma : float Distribution standard deviation. Returns ------- y : float Logarithm of the normal distribution at x """ if (sigma < 0): return 0.0 return -0.5 * (x - mu)**2 / sigma**2